The Domestic Violence Crisis Center takes a victim-centered, trauma informed approach to serving our clients. DVCC offers ongoing support to help clients find comprehensive solutions to the complex problems caused by domestic violence.” It provides 24-hour crisis intervention, but often, their service just begins there.
Each holiday season, First Presbyterian Church of New Canaan joins with other area churches to participate in Person-to-Person’s “Christmas Dove” program. Through this program, P2P, a nonprofit based in Darien whose vision is communities of financially-stable, hunger-free homes, with educational opportunities for all, is able to provide a full day of food at the holidays for approximately 800 seniors and families.
Voices Center for Resilience (VOICES), formerly known as Voices of 9/11, is a non-profit organization that assists communities in preparing for and recovering from traumatic events and provides long-term support and resources that promote mental health care and wellness for victims’ families, responders and survivors.
Mysteries of Identity February 2 at 3:00 pm Caroline Stinson, cello / Ieva Jokubaviciute, piano
Americans in Paris February 6 at 3:00 pm | February 7 at 7:30 pm Mak