The Arts

The Arts at Our Church

First Presbyterian Church of New Canaan offers a range of event and meeting space, from our soaring Sanctuary to the warmth and charm of the Bliss House Common and Parlor Rooms, to the cozy and fun Tate Youth Barn.

For more information about the utilization of any of our spaces, please contact Wendy Starr at 203-966-0002 (ext. 1) or via email at


Given FPCNC’s beautiful Sanctuary and marvelous acoustics, it is no surprise that the venue is sought after for music making. Throughout the season, there is a regular offering of musical events from our local community to outside professional groups. We are proud to have showcased in the past the Charis Chamber Voices, Orchestra Lumos, New Canaan Chamber Music, Orchestra Lumos, the New Canaan High School youth choir, the St. Luke’s School choir and the Yale Whiffenpoofs.

If you are interested in using our space for a musical event, please contact our Director of Music and Fine Arts, Terence J. Flanagan at 203-408-2861 or via email at

Special Services

Using the Revised Common Lectionary, we move through the liturgical calendar and celebrate the various seasons and holidays with the larger church. The church year begins with the season of Advent, and moves through the holiday seasons of Christmas, Epiphany, Lent (beginning with Ash Wednesday), Holy Week (with Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services), Easter, Pentecost, Trinity and Ascension Day, then moves into “Ordinary Time,” a long period that moves through the summer until the end of the liturgical calendar with Christ the King Sunday. The cycle begins again with Advent. The FPCNC normally joins with the larger Church to observe these seasons and holidays, and also acknowledges throughout the year other special days like communion on the first Sunday of the month, World Communion Sunday in October, Stewardship Dedication (Walk Forward Sunday), and Sundays when we celebrate the sacrament of Baptism for both infants/children and/or adults who have come to faith, and Confirmation Sunday.

We also offer the ministry of celebrating wedding services as well as memorial services for our loved ones. 


Labyrinths offer an opportunity to journey into the center and back out again on a single path. Without the need to make choices, you can settle into a natural state of meditation and pay attention to your pace, your breathing and your thoughts. This workshop will allow women to come together in a half-day retreat to experience both the Classical 7-circuit and the 11-circuit Chartres Cathedral labyrinths set to lovely music in a gorgeous, quiet setting. A brief history of labyrinths, an explanation of the “rules of the road” and a demonstration of how to draw them will be given by Helen Curry, author of The Way of the Labyrinth, who will be the leader for the afternoon.

We look forward to welcoming you to a special day, just for you, to slow down, recharge, connect and gain new perspectives through the experience of walking meditation.

Digital Guest Book!

Our digital signature guest book will help us track attendance and provide you with the opportunity to give us any feedback you would like about our services.  Please click the button below and fill out the form. 

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