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Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting Service of Remembrance will be held on Monday, December 14, at 9:30 a.m. This is the eighth anniversary of the shooting and as our Jewish Sisters and Brothers remind us, “The way of destruction is to forget. The way of salvation is to remember.” The service will be brief but include some reflective music, scripture readings, the reading of the names of all of the victims and the lighting of candles, and prayer. All are welcome to join. While the Monday morning service will be remembering, this past Sunday we welcomed Gayle Oko, the Connecticut Sandy Hook Promise Leader Ambassador to talk about the future.  She has been involved in the Sandy Hook Promise organization for three years and drove all the way down from Mystic where she lives with her husband (and where they raised their two children). Gayle did a brief interview to share the work of Sandy Hook Promise and how some of our members might become involved in SHP work to prevent future gun violence. For more information, please go to To listen to her interview with Rev. Herr, please click here.

Please click here for the bulletin.

Here is the link to the Service of Remembrance (  Since everything was pre-recorded, the video link is in place of the Zoom link.





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