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Lenten Ministry Opportunity As is our tradition, First Presbyterian Church of New Canaan once again will collect bags of food during Lent to fill the shelves of the New Canaan Food Pantry. This morning, as you walk humbly with God, please pick up a grocery bag, and then bring it back filled with the items found in the list below. Watch each Sunday as we love mercy and the back of our sanctuary fills with compassion for those who need food and assistance right here in New Canaan. We will deliver the bags to the food pantry on Saturday, April 20. The needed items are 64-ounce bottles of apple juice, coffee, canned fruit, canned tomatoes, salsa, tortilla chips, packaged pasta, packaged potatoes, white rice, dry milk, and diapers in sizes 4 and 6. As you pick up each item in the grocery story, we invite you to pray how we can do justice to address the vast gulf of social inequality that allows people to go hungry.

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