In Archives

“An Evening with Debby Irving”

Wednesday, April 5

3:45 PM at the United Methodist Church
6:00 PM at the New Canaan Library

The Interfaith Council of New Canaan invites all of us to an evening with Debby Irving, racial justice educator and author of the book, “Waking Up White: And Finding Myself in the Story of Race.” Irving will share her journey from believing that she was “color blind” to race, a “good person,” and a great ally to people of color till an “aha!” moment in 2009 woke her up to the reality that she still had a lot of work and understanding to do. Book available for $20.

It’s been called “one of the most important books on race in recent memory.” The Co-Moderators of the 222nd General Assembly (2016), the Reverends Denise Anderson and Jan Edmiston, are urging Presbyterians via their “One Church, One Book” project to read and discuss it.

“Her story resonates with a lot of Presbyterians,” Edmiston said in a workshop at the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Polity Conference in October. “Our hope is that it would start conversations. But it’s not just about reading the book. My hope is that we would be somewhat changed.”

The Co-Moderators’ “One Church, One Book” project invites Presbyterians over the next couple of months to read and discuss Irving’s book where they gather—in pastor support groups, ministry alliances, mid councils, church school classes, Bible studies, book clubs, and anywhere else.

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